Running data Maris Heinaru Running data Maris Heinaru

How trying to run faster led me to build a web app

Trying to figure out my performance as a runner led me to track my data in a Google Sheets file, which I've kept for 12 years now. This enabled me to see my progress from different angles and motivated me to keep running. Coaching other runners and applying my approach to them, led me to build KULG, a training analytics tool for runners.

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Lessons learned Maris Heinaru Lessons learned Maris Heinaru

What I've applied from the tech industry to running

Over the years I've acknowledged that running has brought me an invaluable gift of knowing that I can do hard things. It has helped make challenges exciting, and the unknown less scary in all aspects of life. But recently, to my great surprise, I realized how much working with different technology companies has actually impacted my running. A few things that the tech industry has taught me.

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Tallinn Marathon 2023 (Jaan Künnap)

Planning to run a marathon?

We’ve put together a list of marathon essentials, covering everything from how to prepare weeks before the race, on race week, race day and after the race.

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